The goal of juicing is not to follow a protocol of a specific amount or schedule. The goal is to find what suits you and makes you feel good. Pay attention to your body and don't follow a set of rules that works for someone else. When in doubt, remember less is more. Start with a glass of juice or a small smoothie, and try it our first thing in the morning if you can. Make sure that you keep eating a healthy solid-food diet, even if you occasionally substitute a liquid meal for a plated meal. If you find you want to increase the number of liquid meals in your day, be sure to include lots of greens, vegetable-rich drinks, coconut waters, and nut milks, and keep fruits in check.
When juicing keep these points in mind:
1. Pass your pulp through a second time to extract every ounce of juice from your produce.
2. Centrifugals juicers usually produce more foam in the juice because they are more oxygenated. If foam bothers you, pour juice through a tea strainer and squish it through with a clean finger.
3. Keep a toothbrush by your kitchen sink to clean pulp off your juicer's metal graters.

Fresh veggies and fruits can seem pricier than their meaty counterparts, but USDA studies have found that, pound-for-pound, produce is actually less expensive than most protein-rich foods and processed foods. One of the keys to mastering affordable juicing and blending is to seek out alter-native places to buy in volume, and to be flexible according to seasonable availability. When your favourite summer vegetables are out-of-season and getting shipped in from afar, consider switching to a smoothie with frozen fruits.
Bananas are nature's energy shot. Packed with healthy carbohydrates and potassium, they are ideal for a pre- or post- workout boost, helping to restore the body's electrolyte balance. Bananas are famous for their potassium for good reason: The mineral helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and protect against arteriosclerosis. They are also contain pectin, a soluble fiber, which helps to ease constipation, while the tryptophan in the fruit is converted to serotonin, which helps us feel happier. Bananas build strong bones by preventing calcium loss and they are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux and heartburn.
This versatile, superbly nutrictous fruit can elevate and everyday juice into a milkshake-worthy smoothie with just a flip of a blender switch. Bananas add sweetness, body and a silky smooth feel to blended drinks. And they play well with others. Blends bananas with almond milk and cacao nibs for a smoothie that drinks like dessert; mix banana with coconut water, mango, and greens for a vibrant tropical beverage, and whiz banana with peanut butter and any dairy milk substitute for a creamy, protein-packed delight.

This aromatic spice is one of the easiest ways to add a shot of spicy, warming flavour to your juices. But use a gentle hand-small amounts go a long way. The best way to spike your drinks is to toss an inch-long knob into the juicer and judge how strong you like it. Look for firm, almost-hard ginger with unwrinkled skin. The thicker the skin, the stronger the flavour.
Bananas are nature's energy shot. Packed with healthy carbohydrates and potassium, they are ideal for a pre- or post- workout boost, helping to restore the body's electrolyte balance. Bananas are famous for their potassium for good reason: The mineral helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and protect against arteriosclerosis. They are also contain pectin, a soluble fiber, which helps to ease constipation, while the tryptophan in the fruit is converted to serotonin, which helps us feel happier. Bananas build strong bones by preventing calcium loss and they are a natural antacid, providing relief from acid reflux and heartburn.
This versatile, superbly nutrictous fruit can elevate and everyday juice into a milkshake-worthy smoothie with just a flip of a blender switch. Bananas add sweetness, body and a silky smooth feel to blended drinks. And they play well with others. Blends bananas with almond milk and cacao nibs for a smoothie that drinks like dessert; mix banana with coconut water, mango, and greens for a vibrant tropical beverage, and whiz banana with peanut butter and any dairy milk substitute for a creamy, protein-packed delight.

Fresh veggies and fruits can seem pricier than their meaty counterparts, but USDA studies have found that, pound-for-pound, produce is actually less expensive than most protein-rich foods and processed foods. One of the keys to mastering affordable juicing and blending is to seek out alter-native places to buy in volume, and to be flexible according to seasonable availability. When your favourite summer vegetables are out-of-season and getting shipped in from afar, consider switching to a smoothie with frozen fruits.